Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Sleep and Chi

So as I want this blog to be a complete series on my experiences, and because I know a number of different people are reading this, I'm going to include some notes on my chi exercises.

So firstly what needs to be said is that chi and chi flow are replenished and repaired during the sleep period according to the traditional view. This means that as you undergoing sleep deprivation your chi becomes sluggish and stops flowing properly. Or so the theory goes.

However my experience has been counter to this. During my chi exercises the flow feels much much stronger than it does normally. This improvement on less sleep would indicate that chi does not require the normal cycle to of sleep/wake to replenish. Or at least I hope that's what it means. It seems equally possible this could be a fever type situation. For example when you ill and have lucid moments that feel amazing to your fevered that.

The problem arising here is that I'm still struggling to focus for longer periods of time. This makes meditation damn near impossible (because I'll either interrupt myself or fall asleep). So more experiments on this will probably have to follow.

Finally: I'm still unsure how I intend to take this much further, I've already had a problem with staying awake, and boredom, and now I'm swinging between manic, normal, Obsessive compulsive and holding my head in my hands and wanting to cry. This is the worrying thing when linked to the chi observation. That is to say that my emotions might be more stable if my chi was stable and vice vesa...and now I'm rambling like a crazy person...that happens to.

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